Temple Emanu-El

Religious School Registration is Now Open!

We are so happy to welcome your child to our 2024-25 Religious School program at Temple Emanu-El of Long Beach. Registration is now online here! Please complete the following form by August 1st, 2024 for guaranteed registration of your child/children for the Fall.

The Religious School for grades 1st-5th will be meeting on Mondays from 4:00–5:45pm while the 6th-8th graders will meet 6:00-7:30pm.  Classes will begin Monday, September 9th and follow the Long Beach school calendar.

Religious School

Our Religious School is the eternal spring of our temple. Our in-classroom instruction provides a modern pathway for our youth to not only learn about Jewish culture and heritage, but to provide them with the experiences and memories to cultivate a lasting identity to Judaism. It is our goal that while our children learn about Jewish customs, history, Hebrew, holidays, rituals, music and traditions, they develop pride and a love for the Jewish faith. It is our responsibility to expose our youth to all necessary information but it is our primary goal to help each student grow to be kind, thoughtful, charitable, tolerant, forgiving, grateful, empathetic and mindful; Mindful towards others, regardless of faith, orientation, challenges or beliefs. We want to help develop children to be a positive reflection of what it means to be Jewish, especially in a diverse, inclusive world. It is our hope that our Religious School students will continue their relationship with G_d and Judaism and our Temple after their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. They are our future. As the Torah says: Teach them well”. We promise to do that, and more…

Bar and Bat Mitzvah Preparation

Our curriculum is based on reinforcing our Hebrew and Blessings-fluency in preparation for the student’s b’nai mitzvot. We explore the topic of Mitzvot as a whole and what our responsibility is to perform and honor these mitzvot (commandments).